Saturday, August 23, 2008

Training Week Day 4 - 14/08/2008.

Our last training day...a few guys went on leave, so we're left with about 5 persons for the day...
In the morning we had Sam presenting a briefing on...errr I can't remember....well my mind's not in the class anymore...thinking about Balik's the start of the school holidays...all those thoughts about durians, rambutans and manggis is filling my mind all day long...and I'm sure all of you guys too hehe...
Well...Happy School Holidays my fellow Fathers....take your family Balik Kampung....


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Training Week Day 3 - 13/08/2008

~Yes Mutaleb..a good morning to you too~

~Mr Ramlan of Nalco...err or is it his back?..~

~Seriously listening or thinking of something else?~

Our third training day starts with Mohan giving Safety moment...CSB videos being presented...then we have training session by Nalco...Mr Ramlan from Nalco...I think most of us find it rather 'unentertaining' to say the least...

In the afternoon a short TPM briefing session by Naza and KK...then off we go to the OX lube station for housekeeping...had some fun and a lot of water spraying...
One more day to go...


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Training Week Day 2 - 12/08/2008.

The second day of our training week went well...we welcome back Zusfaizan to the shift...he had a minor accident with his bike on he's absent yesterday...luckily it's not as bad as everyone thought...
In the morning, we have PTA training conducted by Zarudin...questions prepared by Zusfaizan...looks like the accident did not affect his brain hehe...
In the afternoon, Dino lead WWT training for everyone...a short training it is because Cheong came in at 3 PM for our meeting session...
Issues are being discussed and notes's a relief actually to have someone from high up who understands our needs...hopefully the issues that we have can be resolved...
5 PM training adjourned...overall...a good day...


Monday, August 11, 2008

Fishing Competition - Wan Abdul Ghani Won 4th Place.

~Wan showing off his winning catch~

Well...the week before plant shutdown, BPCM organized a fishing competiton...if I understand it correctly, a few of our shift members joined the competiton...
Surprisingly, it was Wan Abdul Ghani who came out tops among our shift members...winning 4th place...not exactly the clear winner that we have in mind but an achievement is an achievement...don't you think?...
On behalf of Shift A...CONGRATULATIONS WAN!!...
p/s: A guy who spends most of his time hunting with a gun wins a fishing competiton...funny isn't it...where are the guys who goes fishing all this while?..hmmmmmmmm....


Training Week Day 1 - 11/08/2008.

Started our Training Week for the the morning we have Gas Tester training conducted by Razali Ahmad...then in the afternoon we have Process training conducted by our very own Thaufik...after that it's about some issues regarding our shift by Mohan...
Look at the way Mohan is holding the's either he plans on being a teacher or he's o his way to becoming this Boria leader....whatever lahhhhh....
