Thursday, December 10, 2009

Futsal Session.

After our UKJK session, someone suggested for us to go for futsal. Everyone agreed...well most of us.

So here we are at the Semambu's Futsal Planet playing futsal. Everyone is kind of feeling tired but the spirit to play is there...

We had fun...played for an hour or so...

After that, time to go home...tending to our sore, aching huh??...

~Upon arrival...chatting up first~

~In action...having fun~

~Lan as the goalie in the first half~

~All sweating...good game for all~


1 comment:

Mehdi said...

Hi Amin,

This is Mehdi from Iran - Asalooyeh. I'm working in a Petrochemical plant as a Boardman. I'm working in shift A too! It seems you are an active Boardman! Wish you and other guys best ...

Good Blog, Good Operation,