Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day Shift - 20 & 21 July 2009.

On our two day shifts, we got a surprise on the first day...
We received two big hampers from our Ops Leader. One is for our involvement in the recent shutdown activities and the other one is for our involvement in the recent startup activities. It's some sort of recognition from the management that we have done our work safely and efficiently.


~The two hampers~

~Mohan receiving the hampers from our Ops Leader, Wan Zuferi~

We also welcomed a newcomer to our shift. Rosnan is a trainee from INSTEP on his OJT. He is assigned to our shift and Thaufik will be his mentor.

It's been a quiet two day shifts. Not much to share...but a safe one it is...

~Welcome Rosnan to our shift~

~Relaxing while there's chance~

~Thaufik mentoring Rosnan and Mat Ros~


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